? 接纳高强度耐疲劳光纤,确保野战光缆在种种卑劣使用条件的可靠性和寿命。
? 特殊的涂覆层和二次被覆的复合结构,可吸收机械和情形应力,光缆的附加消耗小。
? 小节距的光纤SZ绞合合芳纶增强纤维单螺旋绞合,包管野战光缆有较大的拉伸应变窗口。
? 强度高重量轻,强重比高;圆形护套结构结构紧凑,特殊适用于重复收放的场合。
? 阻燃型高强度、高韧性聚氨酯(PU)弹性体护套,氨指数高,阻燃型好,耐油和化学侵蚀,抗撕裂,低温柔韧性好,弹性强,应力缓冲性好,耐磨耐压护套。
? 用于野外布线
? 用于条件严酷卑劣的情形布线
? 用于暂时布线,并可能经常收放使用的情形。
接口类型 | SC | FC | ST | LC | ||||
产品类型 | 单模 | 多模 | 单模 | 多模 | 单模 | 多模 | 单模 | 多模 |
插入消耗 | ≤0.3dB | ≤0.3dB | ≤0.3dB | ≤0.3dB | ≤0.3dB | ≤0.3dB | ≤0.3dB | ≤0.3dB |
反射消耗 | PC≥45dB UPC≥50dB APC≥60dB |
PC≥25dB UPC≥30dB |
PC≥45dB UPC≥50dB APC≥60dB |
PC≥25dB UPC≥30dB |
PC≥45dB UPC≥50dB APC≥60dB |
PC≥25dB UPC≥30dB |
PC≥45dB UPC≥50dB APC≥60dB |
PC≥25dB UPC≥30dB |
重复性 | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB |
交流性 | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB | ≤0.2dB |
温度规模 | -40℃~+85℃ |
Important Notice
Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.
The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.